I thought I'd shock and amaze anyone who still happens to check our blog.... Is there anyone out there?!?! Look, I updated!!!
Here are some pictures of Halloween. Jeff drove down for a few hours of trick-or-treating fun from the boat. The kids were overjoyed!! So was I! Olivia was a cow (mad-cow as Jeff says) and Briar was Yoda. Both looked SO sweet.
Olivia has started her homeschooling and is loving it. I love it too. We have a good time learning about things together. (i.e. Did you know that there are 88 constellations in our solar system? Or that Pluto was intitally called Planet X until an 11 year old girl suggested that it be named Pluto after the god of the underworld? See! Pretty cool!)
Briar is completely vertical now....not just walking vertically, but climbing too. I find him on the table, climbing the backs of chairs, pushing chairs to the counter to climb up. He is a monkey....or a 'house-ape' as Jeff calls them both. He is saying quite a few things now. I find it is just a matter of deciphering what it is he means (like with all babies). He say car, truck, sock (truck and sock sound remarkably similar), Moe (his clearest word), Daddy, Mama, shoe, many, many animal sounds, and thank-you.
I am feeling overly busy (as always) and feel that I am in a constant state of 'frenzy'. But life is good and I'm happy.
Jeff is working lots but has been home for brief periods frequently. He's liking being back int he old house and is closing in the garage in preparation for finishing the basement. The end is in sight and we are both excited!!
My sister is moving to town!!!!! I am SOSOSOSOSOSOSO very excited about it! It feels as if it is a dream and I am going to get a phone call telling em that I've been 'Punk'd'. It'll be FABULOUS to have all the cousins together and to have tea and go to the Farmer's Market and to have Christmas together and ......Okay, you get it. I am overjoyed.
Anyhow, there's my post. Enjoy it. I don't know when I'll have a minute to do it again. Savour it.
Hi Kirsten!!
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