Saturday, June 17, 2006

A family visit...

We've had a few visits this week. My sister, Kirsten, her husband, Todd, and their newborn twin boys, Matty and Gabe, came for a visit from Edmonton. It has been great to see my little nephews and to introduce them to their cousins. Olivia is quite taken with all the babies.
My grandparents came for a visit as well to meet Briar. They had met Briar previously while I was in the hospital, but he had been asleep for the introduction.
Briar is doing well. He was up for four hours today at a stretch!!! He was a pretty crabby boy as time went on, but it was interesting to see him awake for so long. Hopefully, he will sleep through the night...wishful thinking, I know.
I have been sorting through Olivia's clothes that she has grown out of. I had thought that I would use them if I had had a girl. I am finding it quite a depressing job. I can't believe how fast she is growing!! I feel like we only brought her home last week. Needless to say, I have been staring at her while she sleeps and sighing. I feel like the mother in "I'll Love You Forever" by Robert Muncsh. Next time I blink, I will be going through Briar's clothes and he will be three!! Argh.
Jeff has been puttering around the house and yard doing odd jobs. He bought a new weedeater the other week and has been putting to use whenever he can.
Anyhow, I will update again as soon as I can. We are hoping to go for a family walk to the beach tomorrow. I'll be Briar's first outing to the beach. I'll try to remember the camera.

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