I am trying SO hard to get all the loose ends tied up with all the gift making! I had planned to take pictures of everything and post them on here BUT I couldn't take the pictures during the day or Liv would see and night-time photo-ops were out for lack of good light. Now I have wrapped the majority of gifts so you'll have to wait to see pictures post-Christmas.
Anyhow, here are some photos of what we have been up to and what I have been crafting that are no Olivia-censored....

I've been making stockings for us all out of a wool blanket that I bought at VV, felted in the washer, sewn into sadly misshapen stocking and then sticked on embellishments. I am pretty happy with the outcome. I meant to take a picture of the one that Liv is making for Maisy but haven't had a chance. It is ADORABLE! Little mushrooms on it. SO cute.

Okay, please bear with my little photos of various outdoor, and sometimes indoor, photo experiments.

We went to our friend, Krista's (and her two girls) for a playdate and wreath making. Fun and crafty!!

Doubling on the rocking dog!

String painting!!

Okay, I think this goes towards Mommy-karma. I get one free freak out and have it forgiven, right? (I'm a turtle. Handpainted by Olivia)

Making candle holders at the Waldorf CHristmas Fair.

Olivia's first braids! She's trying to grow her hair and wanted braids like mine.

We were farm sitting last week. It was a fabulous time and I made friends with this guy, Dezi.

I am loving the look of the leaf bare apple trees with apples still on. They remind me of ornaments!

My brother moved back from Australia and we had lunch with him before Liv and my mom headed out to the Nutcracker!

We've made Christmas ornaments...I actually thought they'd be pretty easy but there have been quite a few steps involved (making dough, rolling, cooking, painting or glittering, varnishing, stringing ribbons, packaging for gifts....)

Our advent tree (there are activites on each one...although many of them I have realized that we haven't gotten around to)

Snowflake making!!!!

Briar made friends with the donkeys.

Liv favourites at the farm were the mules - Minnie and Mack. They were like dogs! Followed her everywhere and snuggled!
Anyhow, I must get back to chasing the little ones and get out the door.
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