Since he's died, we just squeeze through each month. There are small pockets of money delivered in the mail such as widow's pension, baby bonus, etc. But it just covers the housing and a few bills. So providing childcare to some kiddos whom I love has been how I've been putting the food on the table and keeping the wolf from the door. I consider myself lucky that I am able to do this 'job' while staying home with my little ones, homeschooling Liv and spending time with some of my favourite little friends as well.
But, unfortunately, it doesn't loosen the belt as much as I had hoped. After paying for increases in insurance for having a business in the house, fuel for driving to schools, extra food, etc. there isn't much left in the 'black'. SO I am challenging myself to a contest. I am going to see how little I can spend in one month. We will use what we have. We will clean out the freezer. We will get creative with activities. We will only drive when absolutely necessary. We'll drop off our outgrown clothes at the consignment store. We'll sell our 'extras' and tidy up our 'haves'. If you'd like to come along and try as well, I'd love to have you along. We can compare our scores!
Also, in the spirit of trying to create a less tight budget, I have one more thing I am going to attempt.....I'll give you one clue and then you'll have to wait until I get all the ducks in a row (p.s. it is something that I have mulled over before...)
Oh yes! I remember thinking you should sell your dresses after you first posted pictures of them. They're lovely!
that sounds cool...(^_^)
I love this idea of belt tightening. I may have to get on board.
Every month I try and tighten my belt ~ Some of the other creeps were laughing at me but I am the queen of 'free after rebate' stuff - unfortunately - even stuff I don't need! ACK! But - I can't tell you the last time I actually paid out of pocket for toothpaste!
good luck! I'll play along - but not too well as May is a killer for us in the way of birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, property taxes, car insurance, get the idea!
still praying for you & those beautiful babes - you're gonna make it just fine, i can feel it.
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